Welcome to The Dispatcher's Shelf, a hub created specifically for dispatchers who share a love for reading. Here, you'll find a curated collection of book recommendations from fellow dispatchers, as well as have the opportunity to share your own reads for the year. Together, we'll build a comprehensive list of recommendations crafted by dispatchers, for dispatchers.

The Dispatcher’s Shelf

Recommended Reads for the console

Recommend a Book!

During our shifts, we often find ourselves with downtime. What books have helped you pass the time? Share your recommendations with us! Let's build a collection of reads that keep us engaged and entertained during those quiet moments behind the console. Looking forward to hearing your suggestions!

This Month

If you grab your books on Amazon, consider using our Amazon storefront to grab your next book. The Raspy Dispatcher receives a small monetary payment for items purchased which we put right back into creating more resources for the current and aspiring dispatcher.

Check out our Amazon Store Front Here

My 2024 Reads

2024 Recommendations
